President's Message

This is a time of global crisis. We are all living through a devastating, large-scale disaster that is having extraordinary public health and economic consequences. In the Global South, public leaders, private industries, and civil society took early action to mitigate the effects of COVID-19, putting policies in place to flatten the curve and minimize fatalities. And while the full extent of the pandemic has yet to be realized, the Global South should feel proud of its ability to assess and respond rapidly to counteract this generational challenge.

The pandemic is touching every aspect of life today. From Nairobi to New Delhi, Lagos to Rio de Janerio, Johannesburg to Kuala Lumpur, citizens are struggling to adjust to enormous changes in their responsibilities and daily routines. At Cavendish, we are thinking about the effects of the interplay of these factors on the Global South’s most vulnerable populations: the elderly living in areas with derelict healthcare infrastructure, out-of-school children battling malnutrition, and essential workers struggling to stay above the poverty line.

We are also deeply concerned with what lies ahead. How will the economy respond in the long term? How can the Global South improve opportunities for those hardest hit by this crisis? What can we observe, measure, and propose to help the Global South rebuild itself efficiently, effectively, equitably, and sustainably?

Cavendish will be delving into these questions as this crisis plays out. For now, in this fluid and rapidly changing times, we are focused on bringing critical facts and information to the table—assessing the global economy, human capital, communities, and environment. Our research will provide wide-ranging analyses across key policy areas, from infrastructure to e-commerce, education to health care, the built environment to sustainability, and trade policy to foreign direct investment, amongst others.

We invite you to stay up to date with our research and activities—including publications, events, and videos—by signing up for our monthly e-bulletin and subscribing to our blog.

We always welcome your comments and suggestions, and especially during this unprecedented time.


Ese Stephen Owie, D.Phil (Oxon)

About Cavendish

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